北京大学Postdoctoral Fellow Recruitment

所在城市:北京 发布单位:北京大学 招聘类型:科研院所 发布日期:2022-04-22 浏览次数:556

The Du Laboratory, affiliated to the Department of Life Sciences, Peking University, and Peking University - Tsinghua Life Science Joint Center, focusses on RNA regulation, stem cells and tumor biology. Our mission is primarily dedicated to analyze and identify unknown RNA regulatory pathways, and to study the related RNA regulatory pathways in embryonic stem cell fate decisions and early embryonic development. At the same time, we also aim to reconstruct RNA regulatory pathways of plants or microorganisms in animal cells, and to investigate its application in translational medicine. Currently, 2-3 postdoctoral fellow positions are available.

Related information: http://bio.pku.edu.cn/homes/index/news_cont_jl/16/808.html

Minimum qualifications:

1)      Have obtained or will obtain Ph.D. in biology;

2)      Have excellent communication skills, good English literature reading and writing skills;

3)      Are hard-working and are willing to engage in scientific research;

4)      Have excellent organizational skills, strong initiative, and teamwork spirit.

Preferred qualifications:

1)      Have research experience in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, and basic experimental skills, and have published papers in international journals in this field;

2)      Have research background in stem cells;

3)      Have research experience with tumor biology;

4)      Have research background in RNA biology.

Wages and benefits:

1)      According to the postdoctoral fellow wages of Peking University, the applicant can apply for Peking University - Tsinghua Life Science Joint Center Postdoctoral Fund, and for the Peking University Boya funding.

2)      Enjoy the benefits of Peking University faculty and staff according to the postdoctoral fellow management of the country and Peking University, benefit from child’s enrollment to school, and enjoy other relevant policies such as applying for Peking University Postdoctoral Apartments.

Application instructions:

Applicants should send an email to Dr. Peng Du (pengdu@pku.edu.cn), and include a detailed curriculum vitae, the name and contact information of 2-3 references (including the supervisor during Ph.D. training), and other relevant information that can prove their capabilities and academic levels. Please write the subject of your email as follows: Application-Postdoc-Name. This vacancy is effective for a long-term period. Only the selected applicants who meet the job requirements will receive notice for an interview.


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